Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Mount Kinabalu, Day 2

We had a great, although exhausting hike 2 km along the trail to the top of the highest mountain in Southeast asia. I was glad we were only doing 2 of the 6 km up, but I felt very out of shape when one of the locals went by Miranda with a full pack and a tank of cooking gas on his sholder!

We took the trip with two wonderful couples from Doug's work and Barton and Liz, Doug's superisor and his wife who are also Canadian. The company was wonderful, and natives guides made everything so much easier by translating and organizing for us. The success of the trip was certainly through their efforts! A big thrill for me was finding Pitcher plants on the trail... There was more interesting things botanically speaking, but that was the highlight (for me). There may be a biologist on Borneo post coming...

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