Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Home for a rest?

We journeyed home on May 15th and we were very glad to be back! There was much visiting with family and friends, eating of favorite foods, drinking of iced tea and Strongbow, and Clarissa turned 9!

My neice (Sophia, in Miranda's arms) is growing like a weed, as our the cousins Keith and Kristen. We had a lovely but short visit with Doug's dad (bottom right), and a fun time at my brother David's (background and middle). Let me tell you, the water of the Cowichan River is much colder than anything in Malaysia - I thought I might never breathe again! We had a long trip home, but enjoyed the heat, humidity, and breakfast in Hong Kong (noodles for breakfast - we love Asia!). It was good to be back with Doug, and after considerable rearranging and undecorating of our apartment we are feeling settled.

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