Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cambodia Week 2

Our second week in Cambodia saw us in Battambang, were Clarissa met a wonderful guy who was her moto driver for the day (she didn't even share!). It's the kind of place that still has horses in the streets. From Battambang we took a very crowded ferry to Siem Reap (the picture in the middle is of the back of a forerunner type vehicle, there were 12 people inside and another three or four on the roof).

The moto rides, car rides and ferry rides all, as our guide book put it, in no way meet international safety standards. Personally, I think they used them as less than guidelines, but when in Rome... The ferry ride was billed to be around 3 and half hours, although as much as 8 hours. I guess we were lucky it was only 7 and half (We kept singing the Gilligan's Island theme song...). On the up side, we effectively toured the floating villages on the lake, because the ferry stopped to drop off people and products again, and again, etc.
We met David at our guest house and proceeded to see all the temples we could absorb, resulting in new english phrases such as "templed out" and "templeton", the last being the feeling after seeing a ton of temples.

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